(Photo of yacht underway with prev. owner at helm, date unk.)
We have just spent our first night and very full day aboard our "yacht". (The name will be revealed after the renaming ceremony.) We're prepping our boat at Cooley's Landing Marina in downtown Fort Lauderdale, near the 7th Avenue bridge.
Observation: Vehicles passing over the metal lift span make it "sing". Small, fast motorcycles make a high note; larger, heavier trucks make a low note! Also trains run through town 24/7 and sound their whistles overnight ("FAAAAAAAH!"), and ambulances and police cars make for a busy night.
Even though we took possession of the boat just yesterday, Tues., we had a team of guys over **today**, Wed., to evaluate our standing (wire) and running (rope) rigging. Some items present a safety issue -- so they have to be replaced.
The former owner has stopped by on his bike, and we chatted about details of the Miami-Bahams route. He's done the crossing many times single-handed (i.e., without other crew aboard).
Leeson is disappointed to learn that Wi-Fi is not available everywhere.... Our days are starting earlier and ending earlier, too.
We are sorry if the comments tool doesn't work easily. If you have questions, send us an email at Zee's email or via 3blondesandaboat @gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from our many friends. Take care!!
Photo Album by the Yacht Broker: Picasaweb Album (While they are still online)